Work Hard Pittsburgh is more than just a cooperative working space. It’s also a place to learn from one another. This fall several university groups have stopped into our headquarters in Allentown.
First off, students from La Roche’s Senior Graphic Design program to meet our members and discuss entrepreneurship in Pittsburgh. These students were interested in the freelance community and working with clients. Here’s some feedback from the group:
“Dear Work Hard,
On behalf of the Senior Graphic Design Students we would like to thank you for inviting use to check out your space. We all feel very inspired by how innovative Work Hard is, and have conversed about joining your “gym.” From the moment we entered your space we felt influenced to find what we want to do with design and approach that in creative ways. It was influential to learn we can play a role in the community doing what we love. Thank you for showing us just that.
Julia & Alexis”
This past weekend Work Hard was the meeting place for over three dozen University of Pittsburgh students participating in a neighborhood cleanup in Allentown. Students came together to remove trash debris in the business district and surrounding streets. This activity was part of the annual Pitt Make A Difference Day. Pitt students were disbursed into various Pittsburgh neighborhoods to serve on different beautification projects to keep our fine city clean. Over 54 bags of trash were collected during the day, and the neighborhood definitely noticed.
Later in November a group from Pitt’s College of Business Administration will also discover Allentown and Work Hard’s entrepreneurial spirit.
This is just a sample of how Work Hard and community partners such as local universities are making an impact in the entrepreneurial and community development efforts of the Pittsburgh region.