Obtain a year’s worth of free support for your business
Pittsburgh, PA – Work Hard Pittsburgh, Allentown’s co-working, business incubation, and tech academy, proudly presents Services to the Street, a program delivering free technology and marketing services to eligible small business. This year long program gives Allentown businesses access to the coworking talent in Work Hard Pittsburgh completely free of charge. Businesses will apply to receive $2,000 to $5,000 worth of technology and marketing services including brand & identity development, digital marketing, business consulting and training, media and outreach, and website development.
Businesses will be selected according to metrics developed from strategic goals outlined in the 2014 Allentown CDC Neighborhood Plan. Additionally, Work Hard Pittsburgh will be including forming a community advisory committee comprised of local residents to help inform which businesses receive the services. This type of program is the first-of-its-kind in the Pittsburgh region, further positioning Allentown as a center for innovative and inclusive community development.
“Our goal is to give small businesses located in our community sophistication so that they can scale their revenue. Our hope is that they can then be better positioned to reap the economic benefits of a neighborhood in transition” says Josh Lucas, Founder of Work Hard Pittsburgh.
Any business within the neighborhood of Allentown is welcome to apply by picking up an application at Work Hard PGH or filling out an application found on the website by November 1st, 2015. Specific services offered can also be found listed there.
Services to the Street is a part of Pittsburgh Tall, an ongoing program providing subsidized content creation, best-practice social media management, and training to neighborhood organizations on a regular basis.
The Services to the Street program is funded in part by a grant from the Hillman Foundation. All applications are due November 1st, 2015.
Josh Lucas, Founder, Work Hard Pittsburgh
Work Hard PGH is a Pittsburgh-based community of freelance digital workers and business incubator dedicated to creating a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem for the region.
Scott Wolovich, Executive Director, New Sun Rising
New Sun Rising supports grassroots social impact projects in the Pittsburgh region through fiscal sponsorship, programming, and mentoring.
Siena Kane, Allentown Business District Manager, The Hilltop Alliance
The Hilltop Alliance is a collaborative of community-based organizations in eleven Pittsburgh South neighborhoods. Their mission is to preserve and create assets in the Hilltop community through collaboration and coordination of resources. The Allentown Community Development Corporation is a member of Hilltop Alliance.